The Titan
Ruggedized Portable Coffee Maker For The Jobsite
2009 For Dewalt
Dewalt and Altitude, Inc. developed the world first ruggedized jobsite radio together. It was a huge success in the market and Both Dewalt and Altitude, Inc. wished to have same glory.
They were focused to jobsite experience once again and found that coffee experience at Jobsite needed to be improvement.

Exploring ideal coffee experience for jobsite.
Construction workers are drinking average 3-4 cups of coffees per day. Usually, they are going to coffee shop to get their coffees since they are at outdoor. It seems ordinary daily routine, but they are spending lots of money and time in a big picture. How can we improve construction workers coffee experience with save their money and time? This can be improved their productivity in the big picture which is Dewalt products ideal goal.
Team was explored ideal coffee experience for construction workers that can satisfy above subjects.

Ruggedize, robust, easy and trustworthy coffee maker that can improve your daily routine.
Team was defined goal of this new jobsite coffee maker as improving jobsite coffee experience through save money and time compared with usual daily coffee experience. To achieve this goal, team was explored the cheapest and the easiest coffee making process and decided to making it similar as regular drip coffee maker process which is cheap, easy and familiar with.
For the form factor development, team was explored ruggedizing form considering use environments as well as easily creating trust through its robust form itself.
Team also explored Dewalt’s strong brand identity that people already have strong loyalty with. Team was reflected this to the new jobsite coffee maker as Dewalt family.

Fabricating prototype to evaluate overall form factor and scale.
Dewalt and Altitude, Inc. team was down selected leading concept that reflected Dewalt’s brand identity the most and creating trust through robust form itself.
Team was fabricated leading concept prototype to evaluate overall form factor and scale. Also, team proceeded design refinements based on prototype evaluation feedbacks.
It’s Dewalt: Brand that is always providing ideal jobsite experience.
The Titan was designed with minimal and concise overall form to communicate each part’s features easily and clearly. At the same time, rugged design details are communicating its durability.
The Titan’s bottom base was designed inspiring from the Dewalt tools battery that people familiar with durability. This shape is also maintain cohesive visual brand identity as Dewalt family.
Most of Dewalt products are having metallic parts on the most importantly protection required area. The Titan’s metallic handle is following this as well as communicating its robustness through visual and sense of touch.
The Titan’s yellow colored body with black accent color on the main interaction points is same as other Dewalt products. It can familiarly communicate where the main interaction points are.
Basically, The Titan was designed strongly following Dewalt’s brand identity that people already have high loyalty with.
You can now enjoy new coffee experience through The Titan under Dewalt brand that is always providing ideal jobsite experience.
Simplest steps to enjoy coffee at the jobsite same as your home coffee maker.
The Titan has exact same use steps as most of home drip coffee makers which is simple, easy and familiar.
You can now enjoy home made level of coffee at the jobsite with less money and time spend with The Titan.
*The Titan was not in production due to client’s internal circumstance
Design Team: Joongoo Lee (Industrial Design Lead) and Brian Matt (Project lead / Manager) at Altitude, Inc.
Mechanical Engineering Team: Emily Plumb (Mechanical Engineering Intern) and Alex Denniston at Altitude, Inc.
Design Credit: Dewalt / Altitude, Inc.